Government of Nepal in consultation with Nepalese travel trade sector and concerned organizations/experts decided on October 25, 2008 to launch a national tourism campaign "Nepal Tourism Year 2011". This announcement reflects the government’s anticipation to bring into Nepal at least one million international tourists by the year 2011 and tourism industry’s exigency to organize a tourism promotion campaign for wider impact.
With the badge of adventure destination glittering and the adage “Atithi Devo Bhava” (Guests are Gods) embedded in our culture, the portfolio of tourism products never cease to mesmerize the visitors. The unparallel cultural, geographical, ethnic and bio diversities of the country allure visitors to Nepal time and again which truly substantiates the spirit of Nepal tourism brand ‘Naturally Nepal, once is not enough !'
The concept of Nepal Tourism Year 2011 envisions harnessing these opportunities and strengths and bringing together the commitment of the government, expertise and experiences of the organizations like Nepal Tourism Board, aptitude and dynamism of the private sector and communities for further tourism development in the country. Representation and active participation from the major political parties, members of the Constitution Assembly and Right groups is always taken into prominence in order to make the campaign inclusive and participatory in modus operandi and effective in result. The campaign will also focus on mobilizing the networks of the Non-Resident Nepalis (NRN) communities, Nepalese diplomatic missions abroad, INGOs and NGOs, airlines and national and international media. Similarly, friends and well-wishers of Nepal, tourism academicians and celebrities will be approached in order to highlight the campaign internally as well as internationally.
Objectives of Nepal Tourism Year 2011

Establish Nepal as a choice of premier holiday destination with a definite brand image.
Improve and extend tourism related infrastructures in existing and new tourism sites.
Enhance the capacity of service providers.
Build community capacity in the new areas to cater the need of the tourists.
Promote domestic tourism for sustainability of industry.
A. Main Organising Committee
Considering the magnitude of the campaign, the Government of Nepal has formed the Main Organising Committee under the convener-ship of Hon’ble Minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation. The Committee has Hon’ble Vice Chairman of National Planning Commission as the Joint Convener and Secretaries of various line Ministries; Chief of Metropolitan, Sub-Metropolitan cities and Municipalities; presidents of trade, travel trade and other related associations and institutions are nominated as Members. Chief Executive Officer of Nepal Tourism Board has been designated as the Member-Secretary of the Committee.
B. Secretariat
Nepal Tourism Board( NTB) has been entrusted to function as a secretariat of the NTY 2011.
C. Sub-Committees
In order to achieve the objectives of the campaign, various Sub-committees are to be formed to prepare specific strategies, programs, activities and budget. The proposed sub committees are:
1. Policy Advocacy
2. Physical Infrastructure Coordination
3. Product Improvement and Development
4. Events, Festivals and Activities
5. Publicity and Promotion
6. Human Resource Capacity Building
7. Transport and Accessibility
8. Resources Mobilization and Monitoring