
Friday, December 31, 2010

Everest Experience

Everest Experience


Himalayas is the largest and the highest occupying 800 km across, with eight peaks that rise above 8,000m. including the highest Mountain of the world , The Mt. Everest .

Ever since the country was first opened to climbers if 1949, Nepal Himalayan has become a great theatre of mountaineering activity and the drama of success and failure have provided impetus to more men to meet the ultimate adventure. It is therefore, through all the ages, Nepal Himalayan had been the center of attractions to the whole world, be it saints, philosophers, researchers or adventures.


Permit to climb Mount Everest

All mountaineering team, desirous of obtaining a permit in Nepal, shall submit an application in the form as prescribed, to the Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation, Mountaineering Section (Phone:4256228,4247037,4256231) enclosing a recommendation of the concerned government, or of Mountaineering Association (U.I.A.A) or a recommendation of the Embassy of its home country for the kingdom of Nepal, ordinarily four months prior to its proposed mountaineering expedition
Submission of route map for Mountaineering Expedition

Every mountaineering team, while submitting an application to the Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation, Mountaineering Section for a mountaineering permit, should submit a map, as prescribe which clearly depicts the caravan route and the expedition route.

Payment of Climbing Royalty

The leader of the expedition team is required to pay the full amount of climbing permit fee (Royalty) within two months of the date of permission. In case of the failure of the payment of royalty within two months, such permission may be cancelled.

The climbing permit fee (Royalty) must be paid directly in favor of the ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation, Mountaineering Section, either by bank draft or bank transfer to Nepal Rashtra Bank, Thapathali, Kathmandu, payable in convertible foreign currency.

Equipment for expedition

NepalGovernment may provide the following facilities to any Mountaineering team which has obtained permit for mountaineering expedition:

1.To import and use temporarily, during the expedition such number of walkie – talkies not exceeding 12 and two sets of wireless having the capacity to communicate between the base camp and the nearest police station or the place where the means of telecommunication is available on the condition that such sets shall be taken back to the home country of the team after the end of the expedition.
2.Partial exemption of customs duty on the goods and materials imported for the expedition.
Two sets of wireless having the capacity to communicate between the base camp and the capital city Kathmandu, provide the mountaineering team desirous to use such facility shall have to hand over one of the two sets of wireless to the Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation, 3
3.Mountaineering Section, for its use during the continuation of the expedition.
Mountaineering Regulation

The Royalty and the size of the Expedition Team:

1.More than one team may be permitted to climb Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) by a separate route each in one season.
2.A Royalty of US$50,000 has been fixed for Sagarmatha for a team consisting of seven members. The team may include 5 more members provided it pays extra US$ 10,000 for each additional member. The royalty includes trekking fee of the team members. The team members will be granted three months visa. Additional, US$ 20,000 will have to be paid by the team willing to scale Mt. Everest by normal south – east ridge route.
3.In all regions including Khumbu, an expedition team can have up to 7 members for the minimum, and 5 more members for the additional royalty.
4.The team already permitted to scale Mt. Everest will have to pay US$ 10,000 if it intends to change the accent route. It will have to pay additional US$ 20,000,if it intends to change the ascent route to normal south east ridge route
5.For peaks other than Mt. Everest, the team will have to pay an additional 25% of the royalty in US$ to change the ascent route.
6.Expedition team must complete all necessary administrative formalities and procedures in order to send back the garbage of the expedition team to their respective countries, after the completion of the expedition. The Ministry of Tourism & Civil Aviation will take necessary monetary deposit from them, which will be refunded after the dispatch of the garbage from Nepal.