Friday, December 31, 2010
Top 10 interesting facts for adventerous lovers
Posted by
11:53 PM
Top ten outstanding & unique reasons qualifying Nepal to be the most preferred tourism destinations of the world.
• Nepal is the most preferred eco-tourism destination in the world.
- Survey report carried out in UK and Germany
• Nepal has all the conditions for qualifying as the best adventure tourism destination in the world. .
- Survey report carried out by the Australian Tourism Authority
• Nepal is one of the best places to visit before you die.
- BBC Holiday
1. Annapurna region of Nepal is voted as the top ten trekking trails in the world.
2. Nepal is the only country with altitudinal variation that ranges from 60 meters to 8848 meters.
3. In Nepal there are 8 of the world’s 14 highest mountains above 8000 meters including Mt. Everest.
4. Nepal has 8 % of the total species of birds found in the world.
5. Nepal offers diverse adventure activities like mountaineering, trekking, white water rafting, jungle safari, hot air ballooning, Para-gliding, mountain flight, bungee jumping, ultra-light aircraft ride etc.
6. Nepal holds wonderful / diverse records such as:
- The highest lake on the earth (Tilicho 4800 meters)
- The deepest lake (145 meter) She Phoksundo at the highest elevation (3600mt.)
- The deepest gorges (1200 meter) in Kaligandaki & other glaciers
- The highest valley on earth (Arun valley)
7. Nepal is a four season destination.
8. Nepal is the birth place of Lord Buddha- the apostle of peace and is also the only country where people worship the Living Goddess (Kumari).
9. Nepal has the densest concentration of World Heritage Sites. Kathmandu valley alone has 7 World Heritage Cultural sites within a radius of 15 kilometers.
10. In Nepal there are as many 100 nationalities speaking more than 125 different languages.
• Nepal is the most preferred eco-tourism destination in the world.
- Survey report carried out in UK and Germany
• Nepal has all the conditions for qualifying as the best adventure tourism destination in the world. .
- Survey report carried out by the Australian Tourism Authority
• Nepal is one of the best places to visit before you die.
- BBC Holiday
1. Annapurna region of Nepal is voted as the top ten trekking trails in the world.
2. Nepal is the only country with altitudinal variation that ranges from 60 meters to 8848 meters.
3. In Nepal there are 8 of the world’s 14 highest mountains above 8000 meters including Mt. Everest.
4. Nepal has 8 % of the total species of birds found in the world.
5. Nepal offers diverse adventure activities like mountaineering, trekking, white water rafting, jungle safari, hot air ballooning, Para-gliding, mountain flight, bungee jumping, ultra-light aircraft ride etc.
6. Nepal holds wonderful / diverse records such as:
- The highest lake on the earth (Tilicho 4800 meters)
- The deepest lake (145 meter) She Phoksundo at the highest elevation (3600mt.)
- The deepest gorges (1200 meter) in Kaligandaki & other glaciers
- The highest valley on earth (Arun valley)
7. Nepal is a four season destination.
8. Nepal is the birth place of Lord Buddha- the apostle of peace and is also the only country where people worship the Living Goddess (Kumari).
9. Nepal has the densest concentration of World Heritage Sites. Kathmandu valley alone has 7 World Heritage Cultural sites within a radius of 15 kilometers.
10. In Nepal there are as many 100 nationalities speaking more than 125 different languages.
Everest Experience
Posted by
11:37 PM
Everest Experience
Himalayas is the largest and the highest occupying 800 km across, with eight peaks that rise above 8,000m. including the highest Mountain of the world , The Mt. Everest .
Ever since the country was first opened to climbers if 1949, Nepal Himalayan has become a great theatre of mountaineering activity and the drama of success and failure have provided impetus to more men to meet the ultimate adventure. It is therefore, through all the ages, Nepal Himalayan had been the center of attractions to the whole world, be it saints, philosophers, researchers or adventures.
Permit to climb Mount Everest
All mountaineering team, desirous of obtaining a permit in Nepal, shall submit an application in the form as prescribed, to the Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation, Mountaineering Section (Phone:4256228,4247037,4256231) enclosing a recommendation of the concerned government, or of Mountaineering Association (U.I.A.A) or a recommendation of the Embassy of its home country for the kingdom of Nepal, ordinarily four months prior to its proposed mountaineering expedition
Submission of route map for Mountaineering Expedition
Every mountaineering team, while submitting an application to the Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation, Mountaineering Section for a mountaineering permit, should submit a map, as prescribe which clearly depicts the caravan route and the expedition route.
Payment of Climbing Royalty
The leader of the expedition team is required to pay the full amount of climbing permit fee (Royalty) within two months of the date of permission. In case of the failure of the payment of royalty within two months, such permission may be cancelled.
The climbing permit fee (Royalty) must be paid directly in favor of the ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation, Mountaineering Section, either by bank draft or bank transfer to Nepal Rashtra Bank, Thapathali, Kathmandu, payable in convertible foreign currency.
Equipment for expedition
NepalGovernment may provide the following facilities to any Mountaineering team which has obtained permit for mountaineering expedition:
1.To import and use temporarily, during the expedition such number of walkie – talkies not exceeding 12 and two sets of wireless having the capacity to communicate between the base camp and the nearest police station or the place where the means of telecommunication is available on the condition that such sets shall be taken back to the home country of the team after the end of the expedition.
2.Partial exemption of customs duty on the goods and materials imported for the expedition.
Two sets of wireless having the capacity to communicate between the base camp and the capital city Kathmandu, provide the mountaineering team desirous to use such facility shall have to hand over one of the two sets of wireless to the Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation, 3
3.Mountaineering Section, for its use during the continuation of the expedition.
Mountaineering Regulation
The Royalty and the size of the Expedition Team:
1.More than one team may be permitted to climb Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) by a separate route each in one season.
2.A Royalty of US$50,000 has been fixed for Sagarmatha for a team consisting of seven members. The team may include 5 more members provided it pays extra US$ 10,000 for each additional member. The royalty includes trekking fee of the team members. The team members will be granted three months visa. Additional, US$ 20,000 will have to be paid by the team willing to scale Mt. Everest by normal south – east ridge route.
3.In all regions including Khumbu, an expedition team can have up to 7 members for the minimum, and 5 more members for the additional royalty.
4.The team already permitted to scale Mt. Everest will have to pay US$ 10,000 if it intends to change the accent route. It will have to pay additional US$ 20,000,if it intends to change the ascent route to normal south east ridge route
5.For peaks other than Mt. Everest, the team will have to pay an additional 25% of the royalty in US$ to change the ascent route.
6.Expedition team must complete all necessary administrative formalities and procedures in order to send back the garbage of the expedition team to their respective countries, after the completion of the expedition. The Ministry of Tourism & Civil Aviation will take necessary monetary deposit from them, which will be refunded after the dispatch of the garbage from Nepal.
Himalayas is the largest and the highest occupying 800 km across, with eight peaks that rise above 8,000m. including the highest Mountain of the world , The Mt. Everest .
Ever since the country was first opened to climbers if 1949, Nepal Himalayan has become a great theatre of mountaineering activity and the drama of success and failure have provided impetus to more men to meet the ultimate adventure. It is therefore, through all the ages, Nepal Himalayan had been the center of attractions to the whole world, be it saints, philosophers, researchers or adventures.
Permit to climb Mount Everest
All mountaineering team, desirous of obtaining a permit in Nepal, shall submit an application in the form as prescribed, to the Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation, Mountaineering Section (Phone:4256228,4247037,4256231) enclosing a recommendation of the concerned government, or of Mountaineering Association (U.I.A.A) or a recommendation of the Embassy of its home country for the kingdom of Nepal, ordinarily four months prior to its proposed mountaineering expedition
Submission of route map for Mountaineering Expedition
Every mountaineering team, while submitting an application to the Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation, Mountaineering Section for a mountaineering permit, should submit a map, as prescribe which clearly depicts the caravan route and the expedition route.
Payment of Climbing Royalty
The leader of the expedition team is required to pay the full amount of climbing permit fee (Royalty) within two months of the date of permission. In case of the failure of the payment of royalty within two months, such permission may be cancelled.
The climbing permit fee (Royalty) must be paid directly in favor of the ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation, Mountaineering Section, either by bank draft or bank transfer to Nepal Rashtra Bank, Thapathali, Kathmandu, payable in convertible foreign currency.
Equipment for expedition
NepalGovernment may provide the following facilities to any Mountaineering team which has obtained permit for mountaineering expedition:
1.To import and use temporarily, during the expedition such number of walkie – talkies not exceeding 12 and two sets of wireless having the capacity to communicate between the base camp and the nearest police station or the place where the means of telecommunication is available on the condition that such sets shall be taken back to the home country of the team after the end of the expedition.
2.Partial exemption of customs duty on the goods and materials imported for the expedition.
Two sets of wireless having the capacity to communicate between the base camp and the capital city Kathmandu, provide the mountaineering team desirous to use such facility shall have to hand over one of the two sets of wireless to the Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation, 3
3.Mountaineering Section, for its use during the continuation of the expedition.
Mountaineering Regulation
The Royalty and the size of the Expedition Team:
1.More than one team may be permitted to climb Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) by a separate route each in one season.
2.A Royalty of US$50,000 has been fixed for Sagarmatha for a team consisting of seven members. The team may include 5 more members provided it pays extra US$ 10,000 for each additional member. The royalty includes trekking fee of the team members. The team members will be granted three months visa. Additional, US$ 20,000 will have to be paid by the team willing to scale Mt. Everest by normal south – east ridge route.
3.In all regions including Khumbu, an expedition team can have up to 7 members for the minimum, and 5 more members for the additional royalty.
4.The team already permitted to scale Mt. Everest will have to pay US$ 10,000 if it intends to change the accent route. It will have to pay additional US$ 20,000,if it intends to change the ascent route to normal south east ridge route
5.For peaks other than Mt. Everest, the team will have to pay an additional 25% of the royalty in US$ to change the ascent route.
6.Expedition team must complete all necessary administrative formalities and procedures in order to send back the garbage of the expedition team to their respective countries, after the completion of the expedition. The Ministry of Tourism & Civil Aviation will take necessary monetary deposit from them, which will be refunded after the dispatch of the garbage from Nepal.
Is Nepal safe to visit?
Posted by
3:58 AM
Is Nepal safe to Travel?
Our answer to that is yes Nepal is safe to travel in, not only is it safe but its fun, amazing and incredibly beautiful as well.
Over the last ten years Nepal has experienced problems with infighting between the government and the Maoists due to conflicting ideas and political disagreement. Though it’s a fact that cannot be hidden that people got killed during this conflict, there is no record of any tourists or travelers being injured, killed or involved in anyway. All people in Nepal have a strong belief that guests are equal to god, every Nepal abides by this and offers the warmest of welcomes to all visitors into Nepal.
As of September 2007, there has been a cease fire and peace agreement made between the parties involved. This peace has been upheld, or though there have been a few minor hiccups along the way. People should be aware that Nepal is a developing country and sometimes things do get out of hand. A lot of the bad press Nepal receives is unjustified media hype.
Overall, travelling to Nepal contains no more risk than travelling in other places of the world, in fact as a traveler you are much safer in Nepal than in some European countries and South American places as the threat of, kidnap, pick pocket, robbery, rape etc is almost no existent.
All the major tourist areas of Nepal are policed and patrolled and we have are own branch of the tourist police to assist travellers and keep them safe should a situation arise.
As with any safety, precaution is the first rule. Though we are confident that while in Nepal you will not have any problems, there as some basic things you can do to stay safe. Avoid being near demonstrations, return to your hotel early in the evening if you can, do not carry expensive gadgets when traveling, avoid wearing jewelries and other extravagant wears, use a guide from a trusted travel agent or tour operator, do not talk openly about politics, about the king, about the Maoists while you in public places - After all, all you should be talking about is beautiful Nepal and the amazing adventure you are having here. The above advice is good common sense you should undertake while travelling in any country.
Our answer to that is yes Nepal is safe to travel in, not only is it safe but its fun, amazing and incredibly beautiful as well.
Over the last ten years Nepal has experienced problems with infighting between the government and the Maoists due to conflicting ideas and political disagreement. Though it’s a fact that cannot be hidden that people got killed during this conflict, there is no record of any tourists or travelers being injured, killed or involved in anyway. All people in Nepal have a strong belief that guests are equal to god, every Nepal abides by this and offers the warmest of welcomes to all visitors into Nepal.
As of September 2007, there has been a cease fire and peace agreement made between the parties involved. This peace has been upheld, or though there have been a few minor hiccups along the way. People should be aware that Nepal is a developing country and sometimes things do get out of hand. A lot of the bad press Nepal receives is unjustified media hype.
Overall, travelling to Nepal contains no more risk than travelling in other places of the world, in fact as a traveler you are much safer in Nepal than in some European countries and South American places as the threat of, kidnap, pick pocket, robbery, rape etc is almost no existent.
All the major tourist areas of Nepal are policed and patrolled and we have are own branch of the tourist police to assist travellers and keep them safe should a situation arise.
As with any safety, precaution is the first rule. Though we are confident that while in Nepal you will not have any problems, there as some basic things you can do to stay safe. Avoid being near demonstrations, return to your hotel early in the evening if you can, do not carry expensive gadgets when traveling, avoid wearing jewelries and other extravagant wears, use a guide from a trusted travel agent or tour operator, do not talk openly about politics, about the king, about the Maoists while you in public places - After all, all you should be talking about is beautiful Nepal and the amazing adventure you are having here. The above advice is good common sense you should undertake while travelling in any country.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Trekking routes in nepa
Posted by
9:59 PM

Trekking In Nepal
Manang's Everest
Name : Nepal Trek
Duration of the Trek : 15 Days, Highest Point : 5546m.
Recommended Season : Spring, Autumn.
Difficult Degree : ***
Description : Manang's Everest
Days 01:
Arrival Kathmandu - Hotel
Days 02:
Days 03:
Kathmandu - Lukla - Phakding
Days 04:
Phakding - Namchebazar
Days 05:
Namchehazar - Thayngboche
Days 06:
Thayngboche - Pheriche
Days 07:
Pheriche - Lobuche
Days 08:
Lobuche - Gorak Shep
Days 09:
Gorak Shep -Kala Pattar - Gorak Shep
Days 10:
Gorak Shep - Everest Base Camp
Days 11:
Everest Base Camp - Lobuche
Days 12:
Lobuche - Dingboche
Days 13:
Dingboche - Chukkung
Days 14:
Chukkung - Chukkung Ri - Chukkung
Days 15:
Chukkung - Pangboche
Days 16:
Pangboche - Namcbe Bazaar
Days 17:
Namche Bazaar - Lukla
Days 18:
Lukla - Kathmandu
Days 19:
Days 20:
Days 21:
Kathmandu - Airport.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Neighbour countries of nepal
Posted by
12:13 AM
The neighbour countries of Nepal are India and China.As Nepal is landlocked country,it is sorrounded by India in South,west and East whereas China lies in the Northen territory of Nepal.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Embassy in Nepals
Posted by
11:56 PM
CANADIAN EMBASSY Address: Lazimpat, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4415389, 4415861
Fax: 00977-1-4410422
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 900 hrs-1700 hrs
Telephone: 5542980/5542981
Fax: 00977-1-5542979
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 900 hrs-1700 hrs
Address: Chancery: PO Box 789, Chakrapath, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4372843 Fax: 00977-1-4373265
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Thursday 0900-1315 hrs, 1400-1700 hrs Friday: 0900- 1200 hrs, 1400-1700 hrs
Telex: 2420 Dot NP
Address: Chancery, Lainchaur,Kathmandu
Telephone: 4410900, 4414990
Fax: 00977-1-4413132
Others: Working hours: Monday to Friday: 0900 hrs- 1300 hrs, 1330 hrs-1730 hrs
Address: Chancery, Suraj Niwas,
Post Box 879, Bansbari, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4371678
Fax: 00977-1-4371533
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Thursday: 0830 hrs---1315 hrs, 1330 hrs-1700 hrs Friday: 0830 hrs-1315 hrs
Address: Chancery: PO Box: 6327, Baluwatar, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4411740,4411958
Fax: 00977-1-414045
Others: Economic & Commercial Counselor's Office: PO Box: 4234, Naxal, Kathmandu
Tel: 4 434472,4 434972,
Fax: 4434792
Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0900 hrs-1200 hrs, 1500 hrs-1700 hrs
Address: Chancery: Lalita Niwas Road, Baluwatar
PO Box 6332, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4413010, 4413020
Fax: 00977-1-4411409
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Thursday: 0900 hrs-1700 hrs Friday: 0900 hrs-1400 hrs Consular Hours: Monday to Friday: 1000 hrs-1200 hrs
Address: Chancery: Pulchowk, Lalitpur,
PO Box: 792, Kathmandu
Telephone: 5524812, 5520083
Fax: 00977-1-5522975
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0900 hrs-1500 hrs Consular Section: 1200 hrs-1500 hrs
Telex: 2225 BUSTAN NP
Address: Chancery: Lazimpat
PO Box 2126, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4416636, 4417221
Fax: 00977-1-4416703
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0830 hrs- 1615 hrs
Address: Chancery: Lazimpat, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4413332, 4413839
Fax: 00977-1-4419968
Address: Chancery: Gyaneshwor,
PO Box 226, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4412786
Fax: 00977-1-4416899
Telex: 2213 aa kath np
Address: Chancery: Bishramalaya House, Lazimpat, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4411811, 4413419
Fax: 00977-1-4413920
Others: Working hours: Monday to Thursday: 0815 hrs-1545 hrs Friday: 0815 hrs-1345 hrs
Address: Chancery: PO Box 264, Panipokhari, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4426680
Fax: 00977-1-4414101
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0900 hrs- 1300 hrs, 1430 hrs- 1700 hrs Visa Section: Tuesday to Friday: 0930 hrs-1130 hrs
Address: Chancery: Jhamsikhel, Lalitpur, Nepal
Telephone: 5521855, 5535871
Fax: 00977-1-5525394
Others: Working hours: Monday to Friday: 0900-1300 hrs, 1400-1800 hrs
Address: Chancery: PO Box 1058, Himshail, Red Cross Marg Tahachal Kathmandu.
Telephone: 4270172, 4270417
Fax: 00977-1-4272041
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0900 hrs-1200 hrs, 1400 hrs-1700 hrs
Address: Chancery: Chakupat, Patan Gate, Lalitpur
Telephone: 5521788, 5524788
Fax: 00977-1-5523402
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0930 hrs- 1300 hrs, 1400 hrs-1630 hrs
Address: Chancery: Pushpanjali, Narayan Gopal Chowk, Ring Road, Maharajgunj,
PO Box 202, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4374024
Fax: 00977-1-4374012
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0900 hrs- 1730 hrs
Address: Chancery: PO Box 123, Baluwatar, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4412155, 4411063
Fax: 00977-1-4416571
Address: Chancery: PO Box 8802, Baluwatar, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4419289, 4413623
Fax: 00977-1-4435428
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0900 hrs-1700 hrs
Address: Chancery: PO Box 106, Lainchaur, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4371410, 4371411
Fax: 00977-1-4371408, 37
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0830-1230 hrs, 1330-1630 hrs Consular Section: 0930 hrs- 1230 hrs
Address: Chancery: PO Box 106, Lainchaur, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4410583, 4411281
Fax: 00977-1-4411789, 41
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Thursday: 0815 hrs-1230 hrs, 1330 hrs-1700 hrs Friday: 0815 hrs-1230 hrs, 1330 hrs-1515 hrs
Address: Chancery: Panipokhari, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4411179, 4413890
Fax: 00977-1-4419963
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0800 hrs-1700 hrs
Address: Chancery: Baluwatar, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4423569, 4429445
Fax: 00977-1-4423541
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 900 hrs-1700 hrs
Address: Chancery: SAARC Secretariat Tridevi Marg, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4221785, 4226350
Fax: 00977-1-4227033
Others: Working hours Monday to Friday:0900 hrs-1700 hrs
Telephone: 4415389, 4415861
Fax: 00977-1-4410422
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 900 hrs-1700 hrs
Telephone: 5542980/5542981
Fax: 00977-1-5542979
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 900 hrs-1700 hrs
Address: Chancery: PO Box 789, Chakrapath, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4372843 Fax: 00977-1-4373265
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Thursday 0900-1315 hrs, 1400-1700 hrs Friday: 0900- 1200 hrs, 1400-1700 hrs
Telex: 2420 Dot NP
Address: Chancery, Lainchaur,Kathmandu
Telephone: 4410900, 4414990
Fax: 00977-1-4413132
Others: Working hours: Monday to Friday: 0900 hrs- 1300 hrs, 1330 hrs-1730 hrs
Address: Chancery, Suraj Niwas,
Post Box 879, Bansbari, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4371678
Fax: 00977-1-4371533
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Thursday: 0830 hrs---1315 hrs, 1330 hrs-1700 hrs Friday: 0830 hrs-1315 hrs
Address: Chancery: PO Box: 6327, Baluwatar, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4411740,4411958
Fax: 00977-1-414045
Others: Economic & Commercial Counselor's Office: PO Box: 4234, Naxal, Kathmandu
Tel: 4 434472,4 434972,
Fax: 4434792
Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0900 hrs-1200 hrs, 1500 hrs-1700 hrs
Address: Chancery: Lalita Niwas Road, Baluwatar
PO Box 6332, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4413010, 4413020
Fax: 00977-1-4411409
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Thursday: 0900 hrs-1700 hrs Friday: 0900 hrs-1400 hrs Consular Hours: Monday to Friday: 1000 hrs-1200 hrs
Address: Chancery: Pulchowk, Lalitpur,
PO Box: 792, Kathmandu
Telephone: 5524812, 5520083
Fax: 00977-1-5522975
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0900 hrs-1500 hrs Consular Section: 1200 hrs-1500 hrs
Telex: 2225 BUSTAN NP
Address: Chancery: Lazimpat
PO Box 2126, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4416636, 4417221
Fax: 00977-1-4416703
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0830 hrs- 1615 hrs
Address: Chancery: Lazimpat, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4413332, 4413839
Fax: 00977-1-4419968
Address: Chancery: Gyaneshwor,
PO Box 226, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4412786
Fax: 00977-1-4416899
Telex: 2213 aa kath np
Address: Chancery: Bishramalaya House, Lazimpat, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4411811, 4413419
Fax: 00977-1-4413920
Others: Working hours: Monday to Thursday: 0815 hrs-1545 hrs Friday: 0815 hrs-1345 hrs
Address: Chancery: PO Box 264, Panipokhari, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4426680
Fax: 00977-1-4414101
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0900 hrs- 1300 hrs, 1430 hrs- 1700 hrs Visa Section: Tuesday to Friday: 0930 hrs-1130 hrs
Address: Chancery: Jhamsikhel, Lalitpur, Nepal
Telephone: 5521855, 5535871
Fax: 00977-1-5525394
Others: Working hours: Monday to Friday: 0900-1300 hrs, 1400-1800 hrs
Address: Chancery: PO Box 1058, Himshail, Red Cross Marg Tahachal Kathmandu.
Telephone: 4270172, 4270417
Fax: 00977-1-4272041
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0900 hrs-1200 hrs, 1400 hrs-1700 hrs
Address: Chancery: Chakupat, Patan Gate, Lalitpur
Telephone: 5521788, 5524788
Fax: 00977-1-5523402
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0930 hrs- 1300 hrs, 1400 hrs-1630 hrs
Address: Chancery: Pushpanjali, Narayan Gopal Chowk, Ring Road, Maharajgunj,
PO Box 202, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4374024
Fax: 00977-1-4374012
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0900 hrs- 1730 hrs
Address: Chancery: PO Box 123, Baluwatar, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4412155, 4411063
Fax: 00977-1-4416571
Address: Chancery: PO Box 8802, Baluwatar, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4419289, 4413623
Fax: 00977-1-4435428
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0900 hrs-1700 hrs
Address: Chancery: PO Box 106, Lainchaur, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4371410, 4371411
Fax: 00977-1-4371408, 37
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0830-1230 hrs, 1330-1630 hrs Consular Section: 0930 hrs- 1230 hrs
Address: Chancery: PO Box 106, Lainchaur, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4410583, 4411281
Fax: 00977-1-4411789, 41
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Thursday: 0815 hrs-1230 hrs, 1330 hrs-1700 hrs Friday: 0815 hrs-1230 hrs, 1330 hrs-1515 hrs
Address: Chancery: Panipokhari, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4411179, 4413890
Fax: 00977-1-4419963
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0800 hrs-1700 hrs
Address: Chancery: Baluwatar, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4423569, 4429445
Fax: 00977-1-4423541
Others: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 900 hrs-1700 hrs
Address: Chancery: SAARC Secretariat Tridevi Marg, Kathmandu
Telephone: 4221785, 4226350
Fax: 00977-1-4227033
Others: Working hours Monday to Friday:0900 hrs-1700 hrs
visas for Nepal
Posted by
11:48 PM
Getting Nepal Tourist VisasA Visa is necessary to enter Nepal and can be obtained for the following duration from any Royal Nepalese Embassy or Consulate or at the entry points in Nepal.
The rules below have been updated as of September 2001.
Single entry tourist visas can be obtained by paying US $30 for 60 days.
If you wish to leave and re-enter the country, you'll need to pay additional fees. US $25 for Single Re-entry, US $40 for Double Re-entry and US $60 for Multiple Re-entry.
If you leave and wish to Re-enter Nepal as a tourist within 150 day of the same visa year, you may pay US $50 for 30 days.
Visitors may extend their tourist visa by paying US $50 for 30 days.
Trekking permits are not required for Everest, Annapurna and Langtang areas. e
Business visas with multiple entry facilities are available at a rate of US $100 for one year and US $250 for five years. Ministry of Industry recommendation is required.
Getting Nepal Non-Tourist Visas
Marriage Visas
For those married to a Nepali citizen and wanting to stay in Nepal for as long as you like and without getting a Nepali passport and giving up your country of birth passport (which is not always a good idea!), a non-tourist marriage visa is the best way to go.
Changing from a tourist visa to a non-tourist visa can sometimes be a lengthy process and a lot of waiting around before they get to your file!
You need to visit the Department of Immigration office next to the tourist visa office in Bhrikuti Mandap, phone no.4223681/ 4222453 and collect a form for Non-Tourist visas. It's open the same hours as the tourist visa office. The processing time will take about 7 days as they asses your information. You can get issued a visa for as long as you like, 2, 4, 6 months, as long as you pay the US$10/month (about Rs750) for single entry. For a single re-entry you pay an extra US$25.
You require the following documentsThe application form photocopied 6 times (so you have 7 forms). Sign the forms after you have photocopied them!
7 passport photos one for each form.
Photocopies of your own and your partners passports, including a copy of your current tourist visa.
Photocopy of your partners Nepali citizenship card.
Photocopy of your marriage certificate.
If you need to renew your non-tourist visa you only require 2 forms, 2 passport photos and a photocopy of your passport with last issued visa.
Remember to take all originals with you at time of application and when you go in to collect your visa form ask what documents you need, the Nepali government changes the rules regularly.
Residential Visa
This visa is for those people who want to permanently live in Nepal.
For the first year a fee of US$200 needs to be paid, then each year it's renewed a fee of US$100. It's a multiply entry visa so you can come in and out of Nepal as you like.
Obtaining a Transit Visa for NepalA transit visa can be obtained from Airport Immigration for a period of 48 hrs. on the presentation of airline ticket.
Fee for Transit Visa: US$ 5.00
The rules below have been updated as of September 2001.
Single entry tourist visas can be obtained by paying US $30 for 60 days.
If you wish to leave and re-enter the country, you'll need to pay additional fees. US $25 for Single Re-entry, US $40 for Double Re-entry and US $60 for Multiple Re-entry.
If you leave and wish to Re-enter Nepal as a tourist within 150 day of the same visa year, you may pay US $50 for 30 days.
Visitors may extend their tourist visa by paying US $50 for 30 days.
Trekking permits are not required for Everest, Annapurna and Langtang areas. e
Business visas with multiple entry facilities are available at a rate of US $100 for one year and US $250 for five years. Ministry of Industry recommendation is required.
Getting Nepal Non-Tourist Visas
Marriage Visas
For those married to a Nepali citizen and wanting to stay in Nepal for as long as you like and without getting a Nepali passport and giving up your country of birth passport (which is not always a good idea!), a non-tourist marriage visa is the best way to go.
Changing from a tourist visa to a non-tourist visa can sometimes be a lengthy process and a lot of waiting around before they get to your file!
You need to visit the Department of Immigration office next to the tourist visa office in Bhrikuti Mandap, phone no.4223681/ 4222453 and collect a form for Non-Tourist visas. It's open the same hours as the tourist visa office. The processing time will take about 7 days as they asses your information. You can get issued a visa for as long as you like, 2, 4, 6 months, as long as you pay the US$10/month (about Rs750) for single entry. For a single re-entry you pay an extra US$25.
You require the following documentsThe application form photocopied 6 times (so you have 7 forms). Sign the forms after you have photocopied them!
7 passport photos one for each form.
Photocopies of your own and your partners passports, including a copy of your current tourist visa.
Photocopy of your partners Nepali citizenship card.
Photocopy of your marriage certificate.
If you need to renew your non-tourist visa you only require 2 forms, 2 passport photos and a photocopy of your passport with last issued visa.
Remember to take all originals with you at time of application and when you go in to collect your visa form ask what documents you need, the Nepali government changes the rules regularly.
Residential Visa
This visa is for those people who want to permanently live in Nepal.
For the first year a fee of US$200 needs to be paid, then each year it's renewed a fee of US$100. It's a multiply entry visa so you can come in and out of Nepal as you like.
Obtaining a Transit Visa for NepalA transit visa can be obtained from Airport Immigration for a period of 48 hrs. on the presentation of airline ticket.
Fee for Transit Visa: US$ 5.00
How to apply visas in Nepal
Posted by
11:36 PM
To get a Nepalese Visa for tourism purpose is very easy and invites an absolute minimum of red-tapeism. Tourists of at least 50 different countries that are affiliated to the United Nations have the 'Visa on arrival' facility. The rest will have to procure the advance Visa from the Nepalese Embassy in their respective countries. Residents of many countries in Asia don't even require Visa. In spite of all these, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued the following Visa guidelines for the tourists: -
- The foreign tourist visiting Nepal shall be granted the tourist visa.
- The tourist visa shall be granted for a period in maximum of five months in a visa year.
- A tourist who has departed before the expiry of the period specified in the visa issued in a visa year shall not be allowed to use the visa by adding the remaining period to another visa year.
- If any foreigner who has entered into Nepal towards the end of a visa year desires to spend even the period during which he may stay in Nepal with the tourist visa of the other visa year, he may use such facility. Provided, however, that the computation of the fees for such period shall be made on the basis of the total period of his stay.
- An application for the tourist visa has to be submitted in a particular format that can be obtained from the embassy or downloaded from the site
National Anthem of Nepal
Posted by
11:35 PM
National Anthem of Nepal
सयौं थुँगा फूलका हामी, एउटै माला नेपाली
सार्वभौम भई फैलिएका, मेची-महाकाली।
प्रकृतिका कोटी-कोटी सम्पदाको आंचल
वीरहरूका रगतले, स्वतन्त्र र अटल।
ज्ञानभूमि, शान्तिभूमि तराई, पहाड, हिमाल
अखण्ड यो प्यारो हाम्रो मातृभूमि नेपाल।
बहुल जाति, भाषा, धर्म, संस्कृति छन् विशाल
अग्रगामी राष्ट्र हाम्रो, जय जय नेपाल।
सयौं थुँगा फूलका हामी, एउटै माला नेपाली
सार्वभौम भई फैलिएका, मेची-महाकाली।
प्रकृतिका कोटी-कोटी सम्पदाको आंचल
वीरहरूका रगतले, स्वतन्त्र र अटल।
ज्ञानभूमि, शान्तिभूमि तराई, पहाड, हिमाल
अखण्ड यो प्यारो हाम्रो मातृभूमि नेपाल।
बहुल जाति, भाषा, धर्म, संस्कृति छन् विशाल
अग्रगामी राष्ट्र हाम्रो, जय जय नेपाल।
- Sayaű thűgā phūlkā hāmī, euṭai mālā nepālī
- Sārvabhaum bhai phailiekā, Mechi-Mahākālī
- Prakṛtikā koṭī-koṭī sampadāko ā̃chal,
- Vīrharūkā ragata le, swatantra ra aṭal
- Gyānabhūmi, śhāntibhūmi Tarāī, pahād, himāl
- Akhaṇḍa yo pyāro hāmro mātṛibhūmi Nepāl
- Bahul jāti, bhāṣhā, dharma, sãnskṛti chan biśhāl
- Agragāmī rāṣhṭra hāmro, jaya jaya Nepāl
- We are hundreds of flowers, the one garland - Nepali
- Sovereign, spread out from Mechi to Mahakali.
- Amassing nature's millions of resources
- By the blood of heroes, independent and immovable.
- Land of knowledge, land of peace, Terai, hills, mountains
- Indivisible this beloved, our motherland Nepal.
- The diverse races, languages, faiths, and cultures are so extensive
- Our progressive nation, long live Nepal
Lyrics Byakul Maila Music Ambar Gurung Adopted 2007
facts about nepal
Posted by
11:31 PM
![]() |
Nepali Flag |
Language: Nepali (official) & 20 other languages divided into numerous dialects. Derived from Sanskrit, Nepali is related to the Indian language, Hindi, and is spoken by about 90 percent of the population in either native or second language fluency. Many Nepalese in government and business also speak English.
Time Zone: 5 hrs 45 min ahead of GMT
Currency: 1 Nepalese Rupee (NR) divided into 100 paise Exchange Rate: 74.5 NR = 1 US Dollar
International Calling Code: 977 + city codes (Kathmandu 1, Pokhara 61)
National Calendar: The Nepali year begins in mid-April and is divided into 12 months: Baisakh, Jestha, Asadh, Shrawan, Bhadra, Aswin, Kartik, Marga, Poush, Phalgun, Chaitra. Saturday is the official weekly holiday.Unification Day: 1768 (by Prithvi Narayan Shah - First King)
National Anthem:"Nepali are like the garalnd with many flowers....."
National Motto: "The Motherland Is Worth More than the Kingdom of Heaven."
National Bird: Danphe
National Flower: the spectacular rhododendron 'gras' in Nepali
Area Total: 140,800 km2, Area Land: 136,800 km2
Land use: arable land: 17% permanent pastures: 15%
forests and woodland: 42%
Geography: landlocked; strategic location between India and Chinese-occupied Tibet; extremely diverse terrain ranging from fertile plains and broad valleys to containing eight of the world's ten highest peaks.
Climate: Nepal has a climate that ranges from subtropical summers with mild winters in the southern lowlands to an alpine climate with cool summers as well as severe winters in the mountains. Average annual precipitation decreases from 1,778 mm (70 inches) in the east to 899 mm (35 inches) in the west.
Ethnic Groups: Among the earliest inhabitants were the Newars of the Kathmandu Valley and aboriginal Tharus in the southern Terai region. The Indo-Nepalese migrated from India and are ancestors of the Brahman and Chetri caste groups, which account for nearly 80% of the population. The Tibeto-Nepalese account for the remainder and trace their origins to central Asia and Tibet, including the Gurungs, Magars and Tamang in the west, Rais and Limbus in the east, and Sherpas and Bhotias in the north.
Religion: 90% Hindu (official state religion) 5% Buddhist, 3% Muslim, 2% Other (Christian, indigenous & animistic practices) While Nepal is the only Hindu country in the world, Hinduism has synthesized with Buddhism in Nepal. As a result, Buddhist and Hindu shrines and festivals are respected and celebrated by all.
Population: 23,200,000 (2001 census)
Nepal's environmental challenges are largely a consequence of its dependence on fuel derived from wood, and the expansion of agricultural lands through non-sustainable development methods. This includes removing trees without measures for replanting, which results in widespread deforestation and soil erosion. Water pollution and contaminated water also presents human health risks.
Major natural hazards in Nepal include severe thunderstorms, flooding, landslides, drought, as well as famine resulting from the timing, intensity, and duration of the summer monsoons. Nepal is also an earthquake prone area due to the Himalayas.
Facts about Pokhara
Posted by
11:15 PM
Population | About 170,000 thousand. It is believed that Pokhara was the city of Mallas, the rulers of Nepal about 250 years ago. The Newar community of Kathmandu Valley migrated to Pokhara, built houses like those of Mallas, and started developing settlements which lead to the development of this city. Today, Pokhara is developed by tourism, import and export business of both domestic as well as foreign products to various towns and villages in Kaski and other districts of Nepal |
Land Area | 47.5 square miles (about 123 sq kilometers), About half of the area is the Sub-Metropolitan City area. |
Location | Longitude : 83 58' 30"E to 80 02' 30" E Latitude : 28 10' N to 28 16' N |
Altitude | 2900 feet (about 884 meter) |
Distance | 124 miles (200 kilometers) from the Capital, Kathmandu 114 miles (about 184 kilometers) from the Indian border located about 2.5 miles from Bhairahawa (Also called as Belhia) |
Weather | Pokhara receives very good amount of Rainfall every year. Rainy months include May to September, where July is the most heavy rain fall season receiving upto 33 inches (about 845 mm or millimeter) rainfall. Pokhara has a mild weather all year around, however during December to February, temperature can drop to freezing point. Pokhara gets more rain than any other city of Nepal. Best time to visit this city is October and April, but if you have an umbrella in your hand, then cross that out, please! |
Official Holidays | All Major National Holidays and Each Friday Half Day (Evening Shift) and Saturday Full Day. |
What does Pokhara mean for Nepal? | It is a main center for the import and distribution of the domestic and imported foreign goods for various districts that are linked to Pokhara. Pokhara is the main entry point for goods going to the Kaski district of Nepal. Pokhara's population is growing more than ever, as the city has become the immediate choice for those who are leaving Kathmandu because of pollution or congestion factors, and it is also the number one choice for Nepalese living abroad for buying lands or houses in Nepal. Population of vehicles in Pokhara is also increasing. Pokhara will eventually develop the nearby villages and towns both by tourism industry as well as by local business, which will benefit all |
Pokhara:paradise in earth
Posted by
11:14 PM
About Pokhara
Pokhara is situated at about 827 meter from sea level, and is located 124 miles (about 200 km) west of Kathmandu and can be reached by plane in 35 minutes or in 5 hours by bus. Pokhara is the next destination after Kathmandu for many adventure and pleasure trips in and around Pokhara. Pokhara is often called the enchanting Himalayan valley with a heart of major actions and adventures.
Surrounded by beautiful snow-caped mountains, with a magnificent lake of crystal-clear pure Himalayan water, all-year round pleasing weather, and friendly Pokhralis will greet you with a smile and leave you with the most unforgettable moments in your life. So pack up your bag, load your camera, and get ready for Pokhara experience!
Surrounded by beautiful snow-caped mountains, with a magnificent lake of crystal-clear pure Himalayan water, all-year round pleasing weather, and friendly Pokhralis will greet you with a smile and leave you with the most unforgettable moments in your life. So pack up your bag, load your camera, and get ready for Pokhara experience!
Places to Visit
The Fewa (or Phewa) Lake 1.5 kilometer long, second largest lake in Nepal, offers an excellent view of the mountains and their reflections on the lake. Many tours and trekking operators and hotels are located on the lakeside. One can easily find a place to sit back, relax and enjoy great meal while enjoying scenery here. You will also enjoy boating on the lake. Most hotels and guest houses have traditional designs and layouts which match with the surrounding views. The photo on the right is of Rara Lake, another popular lake located in Pokhara.
Davis Fall, you sure will remember this snap in Pokhara!!
How to get to Pokhara?
Riding a public bus or a taxi to Pokhara is also a good option. Public buses run daily from Kathmandu. It takes about 5 to 6 hours by bus. Buses are crowded, but thats' how Nepalese travel all life long, so what the heck, go ahead experience it, for you, it's only for a day! Remember, public buses do not have A/C, Heaters and have frequent stops on the way. Bus will stop at Mugling for Lunch or Dinner. Have some Nepail food there, if you can digest spicy foods, or you can pick restaurants which specifically cater to foreigners. Taxis are expensive, probably will cost you as much as the Air-fare. When you ride by land, you get to see more places, you get to enjoy the scenery that you would not be able to see from the airoplane.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Mountains in Nepal
Posted by
12:22 AM
Nepal contains part of the Himalaya, the highest mountain range in the world. Eight of the fourteen eight-thousanders are located in the country, either in whole or shared across a border with Tibet or India.
Mountain/Peak | metres | feet | notes |
Mount Everest | 8,848 | 29,028 | Highest mountain in the world (measuring from sea level to peak) |
Kangchenjunga | 8,586 | 28,169 | #3 in the world |
Lhotse | 8,516 | 27,939 | #4 in the world |
Makalu | 8,462 | 27,765 | #5 in the world |
Cho Oyu | 8,201 | 26,906 | #6 in the world |
Dhaulagiri | 8,167 | 26,794 | #7 in the world |
Manaslu | 8,156 | 26,758 | #8 in the world |
Annapurna | 8,091 | 26,545 | #10 in the world |
Gyachung Kang | 7,952 | 26,089 | |
Ngadi Chuli | 7,871 | 25,823 | |
Nuptse | 7,861 | 25,790 | |
Chamlang | 7,319 | 24,152 | |
Langtang Lirung | 7,227 | 23,711 | |
Baruntse | 7,220 | 23,688 | |
Chamar | 7,187 | 23,326 | |
Melungtse | 7,181 | 23,555 | |
Pumori | 7,161 | 23,494 | |
Gauri Sankar | 7,134 | 23,405 | |
Api | 7,132 | 23,399 | |
Tilicho Peak | 7,134 | 23,405 | |
Salasungo | 7,110 | 23,326 | |
Machapuchare | 6,993 | 22,943 | Sacred mountain, unclimbed |
Kang Guru | 6,981 | 22,904 | 2005 avalanche kills 18 |
Dorje Lakpa | 6,966 | 22,854 | |
Kanjiroba | 6,883 | 22,580 | |
Ama Dablam | 6,812 | 22,349 | "Mother and her necklace" |
Cho Polu | 6,735 | 22,096 | |
Num Ri | 6,677 | 21,906 | |
Thamserku | 6,623 | 21,729 | |
Khumbutse | 6,640 | 21,725 | First mountain west of Everest |
Taboche | 6,501 | 21,329 | |
Mera Peak | 6,476 | 21,246 | Trekking peak |
Hiunchuli | 6,441 | 21,132 | Difficult trekking peak |
Cholatse | 6,440 | 21,128 | |
Kusum Kangguru | 6,367 | 20,888 | Difficult trekking peak |
Kongde Ri | 6,187 | 20,298 | Trekking peak |
Imja Tse | 6,160 | 20,210 | Popular trekking peak |
Pokalde | 5,745 | 18,848 | |
Kala Pattar | 5,545 | 18,192 | Popular hiking peak below Pumori |
Nirekha | 6,069 | 19 911 | New trekking peak |
Baden-Powell Peak | 5,825 | 19,111 | Formerly known as Urkema Peak |
Highways of Nepal
Posted by
12:15 AM
Highways in Nepal
Kathmandu and major cities of Nepal are inter-connected with Highways and roads. They are also well connected with India through plains
Kathmandu and major cities of Nepal are inter-connected with Highways and roads. They are also well connected with India through plains
of the Terai. However Nepal does not have well developed network of Highways of western standard. There are only a few highways with better engineering and several connecting roads to main highways. Condition of Highways vary from well maintained two lane Highways to potholed and hilly roads. Visitors are permitted to drive their own cars but the vehicles must possess an international carnet. There are regular bus services to Kathmandu and major cities fro
m all the border points. The interior parts of the country are also linked with a number of highways and r
oads. Any way the network of roads and highways have linked several tourist destinations, cities, Industrial and commercial centers in Nepal. The main highways are from East to West and Link roads from North to south. List of highways are:
Mahendra Highway: It is longest highway in Nepal. It links Eastern border with India to Western border with India.

The East Pont is at Kakarbhitta. It is also an Exit point to Northeast India including Darjeeling and Sikkim. The West Point is at Mahendra Nagar. It is linked with Northwest India including Kumau, Nainital of Uttarnchal.

The major destinations along and around the Highways are Kakarbhitta, Bhadrapur, Dharan, Janakpur, Narayanghat, Butwal, Shiddart
hnagar, Nepalganj, Bardiya, Mahendranagar, et
Tribhuvan highway:Known as the original rajpath (royal way) the Tribhuvan Highway is the oldest of Nepal’s highways and links Naubise, 25 kilometres (16 mi) west of Kathmandu with the border at Birganj/Raxaul.
It was named in memory of King Tribhuvan (1906-1955). Its construction was finally completed with Indian assistance in 1956 and provided the first serviceable road connection with India.
Prithvi Highway: It is a busiest Highway in Nepal. It connects Kathmandu with Pokhara and then to Baglung. Baglung is a start point of Trekking to Mustang and also put in point of white water river rafting at river Kaligandaki.
Major destination along and around the highway are Mankamana, Gorakha, Damauli, Bandipur, Besisahar, etc.
Shiddarth Highway: It is an important Highway which connects Sunauli at Shiddarthnagar to Pokhara via Tansen. It crosses Mahendra Highway at Butwal.
Shiddarth Highway: It is an important Highway which connects Sunauli at Shiddarthnagar to Pokhara via Tansen. It crosses Mahendra Highway at Butwal.
Arniko Highway: It is the only Highway going to Nepal Tibet border at Kodari from Kathmandu. It has several connecting roads including Lamosangu to Jiri. Jiri is considered a gateway to Everest region.
Important North South roads
Kathmandu Dhunche: This road links with Langtang region. It starts from Kathmandu to Nuwakot. It has several hilly connecting roads. These include Dhunche, Rasuwa at Nepal Tibet border.
Bhadrapur to Ilam: The road has major destinations including Ilam, Pashupati Nagar, Panchthar (Kanchenjunga region), etc.
Biratnagar to Hile: It connects Mahendra Highway at Itahari and links Dharan and Dhankuta. Hile and Basantpur are gate way of Kanchenjunga and Barun Makalu conservation.
Narayanghat to Gorakha: It is an important link road connecting Mahendra Highway at Narayanghat and Prithvi Highway at Mugling
Nepalganj Surkhet: This road starts Nepalganj at Nepal India border to Surkhet valley which gateway to Jumla and other remote hilly area. It crosses Mahendra Highway at Kohalpur.
Dhangadhi Dadeldhura: This road starts at Nepal India Border at Dhangadi to Dadeldhura crossing Mahendra Highway at Atariya.
Kathmandu Dhunche: This road links with Langtang region. It starts from Kathmandu to Nuwakot. It has several hilly connecting roads. These include Dhunche, Rasuwa at Nepal Tibet border.
Bhadrapur to Ilam: The road has major destinations including Ilam, Pashupati Nagar, Panchthar (Kanchenjunga region), etc.
Biratnagar to Hile: It connects Mahendra Highway at Itahari and links Dharan and Dhankuta. Hile and Basantpur are gate way of Kanchenjunga and Barun Makalu conservation.
Narayanghat to Gorakha: It is an important link road connecting Mahendra Highway at Narayanghat and Prithvi Highway at Mugling
Nepalganj Surkhet: This road starts Nepalganj at Nepal India border to Surkhet valley which gateway to Jumla and other remote hilly area. It crosses Mahendra Highway at Kohalpur.
Dhangadhi Dadeldhura: This road starts at Nepal India Border at Dhangadi to Dadeldhura crossing Mahendra Highway at Atariya.
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